Our Business Values


Standard of Conduct – Texden conducts its operations with honesty, integrity & openness and with respect for the rights & interests of our Customers and other people who are directly and indirectly have relationships with Texden.


Shared Responsibilities – Texden is committed to increase its value to customers, employees & other people by providing quality products and services to the concerns that it serves. Texden will fulfill this commitment while upholding the highest level of ethical conduct and meeting our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen. Although laws may vary from time to time, our basic ethical standards do not vary and are set forth in this guide.


Upholding the Law – Texden concerns and its employees are required to comply with the laws & regulations enacted at local, national and international level.


Customers – Texden is committed to provide quality products & services, which are tailored for their intended use. The products and services will be supported by the requisite technical and commercial expertise.


Employees – Texden is committed to improve the working environment where there is mutual trust and respect and where everyone feels the pulse of responsibility for the performance and reputation of the company. We are committed towards safe & healthy working conditions for all employees. We appreciate the “to-do-it” instinct of employees that is beneficial for their growth and the company.


Community & Society – Texden strives to be a trusted corporate citizen and as an integral part of society to fulfill the responsibilities towards the societies and communities in which it operates.




Our Hardcore Beliefs

We must provide the best possible service to our valued customers


We must deliver the utmost quality


We must keep our operating costs as low as possible


We must keep our business ethics consistent with the faith of the clients



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